The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 2.1 audio and study questions
How much work do the middlemen and bosses need to do in order for the workers to be able to thrive?
Wouldn’t it amount to everyone working part time or less considering all the technology and knowledge that exists already?
If we’re working and producing more and more and there was already enough, where does it go?
How many hands touch the money that one piece of machinery made in a factory produces?
How much do the workers who built it get from their labor? How much do the middlemen and bosses?
Why is that backwards in order of most labor exerted?
Are capitalists so greedy and middlemen so desperate to struggle less that they will make and enforce rules requiring workers to fill trashcans full of good food just to keep it from feeding the homeless?
If there is so much excess why are the rates of poverty, homelessness and preventable illnesses always increasing?
Why would a weaver be wearing rags?
How could any worker go hungry?
Why can’t everyone who wants a job work if there are so many jobs?
Why are people forced to beg for the right to have their labor exploited?
What if all those without were given work and a place to stay from some of the land unused that others claim to own?
Could we work the land and cure starvation in each country within a year?
How is our exploitation tied to colonization?
We know we are not being paid well but what about those paid less to do what we won’t or can’t because our land is stripped?
Are our taxes another form of theft since we’re paying the people that approve laws that harm us?
How deep does it go - the police, judges, everyone to do with a prison, the press, exploiters of industry - how many people are stealing from us?
How much physical energy do we exert for the wealthy?
Cleaning their houses, stables, offices, how much time do we spend focusing on doing for them what we could be for ourselves?
Are we working for the humor of the wealthy?
Why won’t they stop the excess and take time to figure out how to end things like hunger among their employees?
In the old days our people couldn’t do as much with the same amount of space because there were restraints on technology - couldn’t we all have extra now considering how much is wasted and how many are un/underemployed?
The well being of all - the end; expropriation - the means.
What does this really mean?
To take what is considered private and give it back to the public is the best plan for the well being of others? How is that done?
The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 2.1 audio and study questions
Reviewed by Unknown
June 17, 2017
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