The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 2.2 audio and study questions

What is a better option than sharing resources?

Do you have examples of legislators doing right by us as people?

Do you think poor people are more aware of the potential for communism to be great than richer people? Why or why not?

If in the late 1800s people were almost ready why aren’t we done with money and states by now?

What does revolution mean to you? What’s it look like?

Does Kropotkin's reasoning that revolution really begins during the rebuilding stage resonate with you?

So the monarchs or whatever government is controlling the masses are first ousted, following them are the most wealthy residents of a city, then the heads of the military. After them the police and soldiers choose individually to go or stay. At that point the people literally fill the streets and start to address their needs amongst each other. Then those who considered themselves revolutionaries at the time of upheaval begin to enact their plans by taking over offices and courts, making statements to the people and writing up new decrees, fighting each other along the way since their ultimate goal is to bring their sect to power.
All that leads to nothing more than a new state replacing the old one, right? What about the people?

The ones who were the working poor at the time of upheaval, the wards of the state, the ones dependent on social services - what do they do in the transitional periods to survive?

What do those sitting in the offices do? Are they just the same state run by different people?

What do people need for revolution, isn’t security top of the list?

What do you need to acquire to have time to fight full time?
The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 2.2 audio and study questions The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 2.2 audio and study questions Reviewed by Unknown on July 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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