The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 1.2 audio and study questions

Today is it reasonable to assume that a few still hold ⅔ wealth?

The few allow the many to work but only if the many allow the few to retain most of the wealth. So our labor agreement is to accept being exploited?

To go make things that we don’t personally need instead of making for our own households?

Since people have advanced technologically have we also emotionally?

Is that possible when many are working for the profits of a few, how to remedy the problem of working for the short term with no long term security?
What happens when all advances in tech are dependent on the blood of the many?

If there are cities under cities and blood from each generation and the current buildings are still filled with laborers unable to thrive as a whole, is civilization all that advanced really?
“Each of the atoms composing what we call the Wealth of Nations owes its value to the fact that it is part of the great whole.”
What effect does your personal consumption and your exploitation through laboring play into the great whole?

Inventors and artists are part of the great whole also so despite their contributions they also have consumed the flesh of exploitation through existing in this world. Is that something to feel guilt over?

What about the capitalists, are the few that control the wealth of the great whole aware of how us many live?
Why do they think they own anything when everything in the world is the product of many?
Does anything really truly belong to anyone else?

How so when even the food is the product of many from animals to the sun to the people who planted then those who picked then the one who transported then the one who bought then the ones who ate it in the end?
The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 1.2 audio and study questions The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 1.2 audio and study questions Reviewed by Unknown on June 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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