The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 1.1 audio and study questions
Section 2 of this blog's introduction will be released in a few days, but in the meantime here is the beginning of our first audiobook project. The audiobooks are a first step to providing greater accessibility to anarchist theory. Below is the audio file for section one of chapter one, as well as some related study questions contributed to the project.
Chapter 1: Our Riches
Section 1:
How far have we come?
How many of us leave more for our heirs than shelter, utensils and the earth itself?
Were you left with and will you leave things (at the rate it’s going now)?
Birth into a world with capital means what to those without it, are their dreams all actually nightmares?
We have more tech and higher yields than our elders, are we thriving emotionally compared to them also?
Since there’s enough tech to make tools that control the soil, sun and can dig into even the caves and build whole cities up in a matter of months and we do not all have what we need, is it greed that makes some suffer?
Where’s the money, are there really just a few controlling all the currency worldwide?
Is money/credit really the reason that people are dying worldwide?
How would life change if food and knowledge and health and shelter and technology were used for good and well being of all?
The Conquest of Bread- Chapter 1.1 audio and study questions
Reviewed by Unknown
June 12, 2017
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